Town of Luray


Welcome to

Town of Luray

Established in 1812, the town of Luray is located in the heart of the Shenandoah Valley region of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Luray is also the county seat of Page County, an area known for its scenic wonders and rich history. There are roughly 4,900 people living in Luray and the community embraces its “small-town” atmosphere.

people kitchen


  • Population: 4,832
  • Median House Income: $51,747
  • Home Ownership Rate: 66%


Real Estate Taxes

  • $0.997 per $100 assessed value


Government Resource


updated 2023, 


Town of Luray

A Guide to Life

Town of Luray


Schools in

Town of Luray

As part of the Page County Public Schools District, students in Luray have access to 4 elementary schools, 2 middle schools, and 2 high schools that serve just over 10,000 pupils. Students also have access to the Page County Technical Center for alternative learning opportunities.

people kitchen


Town of Luray

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